

Ah yes, my blog. It's been awhile since I last posted, but I thought I'd say hello again. And since I haven't really formulated a coherent entry on any given topic, I'll just post random thoughts for the time being. :)

- I keep two main journals; one is a personal one and the other is a work-related one. I started them around the same time (a few years ago), and I recently noticed that their page counts are nearly identical - meaning that I've written about the same amount in both. I don't know whether or not to be disturbed by that. :)

- Life is often full of challenges. I'm realizing the value of just taking things one day at a time.

- I've been working on flipping my perspective on various issues...issues like how I use my time and how I react to things. It's been helping, and I'm encouraged to see some changes in myself.

- Indian food is delicious! On a related note, I've decided that I need to find a recipe for Madras curry (a coconut-based curry sauce).

- Handbells is going well this term. We're playing a few pieces that I'll grow to love, and the group is working hard and is crazy as usual. Last night we spent a lot of rehearsal time working on just trying to hit our plucking notes. This, of course, involved a lot of laughter. :)

- Tea time really is my favorite time of day. I drink either green or white tea in the morning, and I drink herbal (or at least non-caffeinated) tea in the evenings. Since I've recently expanded my tea collection, I now have a variety of teas to choose from each day. My favorite choices for the morning are: Orange Blossom White Tea, Authentic Green Tea, and Imperial White Peach White Tea. My favorite evening choices are: Sleepytime Tea, Chamomile Tea, Madagascar Red Vanilla Tea, and (before I ran out) Candy Cane Lane Green Tea. All of these are made by Celestial Seasonings, except for the Orange Blossom one, which is made by the Republic of Tea. I have several other types of tea, but these are my favorites...for now at least. If you have any favorite teas, I'd love to have some recommendations for the next time I'm out shopping for tea.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay, obsessive tea drinking! Certain other members of my household--who shall remain nameless but it's not Bob--often comment on how many boxes I have in the cabinet, since they tend to fall out upon opening. :) Candy Cane Lane is one of my favorites too (actually, your mom gave me the box I have now!). My other two favorites at the moment are Spiced Chai from Lipton and Vanilla Almond from Bigelow.

And on the topic of edible cravings, have you noticed that Cool Ranch Doritos are just pathetic lately? They're about as bland as eating plain tortilla chips! I think I'm going to write to them--it's totally giving me a complex.

2/20/2007 4:12 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

Usually wooden golf tees are better than the plastic ones. They snap in two better providing less resistance to the golf club and creating a more beautiful golf swing.

Oh wait...
you meant "tea" not "tee"...my bad! ;-)

2/20/2007 10:53 PM  
Blogger Rob said...


2/20/2007 11:01 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

Sarah -- I have yet to get into Chai tea. I'll have to try it again sometime...tea for me is mostly an acquired taste.

That's sad to hear about cool ranch doritos. You should definitely write to them -- maybe they'll give you a free doritos t-shirt! :)

Rob -- how dare you pollute my blog with golf!! ;) Sending along the curry link almost makes up for it... :) But yes, tea time is much, MUCH nicer than tee time.

2/21/2007 8:33 AM  
Blogger pricednostalgia said...

i have become a total tea addict, mainly because we are too cheap to turn on the heat. I have a lipton variety pack because I am very fickle but I highly recommend vanillia (so spelled wrong) chai and ginger twist urbal tea.

2/27/2007 2:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Katie! Been a loooong time since I visited your blog, so I'm getting caught up. =) I'm here cause I don't want to start my experiment for the day - it's one of those where I have to sit down for several hours once I start... blah! >_<

I noticed that my blog got moved to be associated w/ my gmail account, so maybe I'll re-start my blog?

On the tea subject, I have several as well but even if I recommend them to you I'm not sure where you would go buy it. :( I get all mine from my family or the Asian store (no surprise there), so some are from overseas. I'm not picky and don't experiment much so I have some staples: crysanthanum with or w/o boxthorn for the summer time (boxthorn is good for my eyes), and rose tea for winter time. To mix things up I have flower tea (very fragrant!) and Jasmine tea (I got the high quality bead kind) once in a while. Then there's the special herbal tea for when I am getting a cold, and the anti-cancer tea when I think I've been spending too much time with lab chemicals. :P

2/28/2007 12:22 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

Hm...two votes for vanilla chai, huh? I'll definitely have to try that -- thanks Hill and Sarah.

Ruth, I've had a Jasmine white tea before and I liked it. The rose tea sounds intriguing as well. There are several asian grocery stores around here but I've never looked through their tea collection -- I'll have to do that sometime.

2/28/2007 12:38 PM  

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