
You just never know...

Random thoughts and questions from this past weekend, in a feeble attempt to deyargh:

- Chocolate cake makes for a wonderful dinner experience. It does not make for a wonderful dinner though.

- So much can be conveyed in just one glance from across a room. People don't take advantage of this nearly enough.

- Guys, if you're getting mad because a girl dances with others because you don't ask her to dance, consider changing your strategy.

- I am actually looking forward to tackling my taxes this week. I sort of dig pretending to be an accountant for short amounts of time. My mindset will change, as usual, as soon as I remember just how bad the directions are on the tax forms.

- I don't enjoy managing people. I am not cut out for it, and I don't pretend to be cut out for it, and it generally stresses me out.

- I am a complete and total sucker for beauty and passion when it is displayed in people around me. Complete and total sucker.

- Yoshi is the best possible character in Mario Kart. Why? Because he's green and he's a dinosaur, of course. And he's the least annoying of all the characters (except when I play him, of course). ;)

- There's almost no chance in this world that I'll be able to have my wedding where I really want it to be. This bothers me immensely this week. It's sort of funny, because I don't think of myself as being that picky. Okay, who am I kidding? But still, there are things that I (really) need to work on before I decide upon a wedding site. Silly friends who get married and gush about color schemes and cakes and get me all excited. :)

- Trying to get 788 handbell ringers to ring together is no easy task. But it doesn't mean that someone shouldn't try.

- I am not good at guessing what acronyms stand for, even if given clues. :)

- It's a bad sign when you find yourself having insomnia because you're trying to figure out what was your favorite date of all time, and why. (Date as in "date experience when out on a date", not Date as in "person.")

- I have a very disorganized to-do list for this week. So as part of my to-do list for this week, should I take the time to organize my to-do list? These questions plague me. Oh well. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Date as in date you personally went on? I could answer that one for myself pretty easily, given that I've only been on a couple. ;) I have a tendency to just have generic hanging-out time with guys I'm interested in / involved with instead of dates, and that's generally fine with me.

Did you come up with an answer?

3/09/2006 9:34 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

Yep, a date that I personally went on. I'm the same way with the generic hanging-out time as you are...and I have been on a few "official" dates, but sometimes the generic/random hanging-out times take on a characteristic date-like feel. Ya know?

That said, I came up with an answer...but I'm not completely certain. For instance, the date itself was awesome but it occurred after the break-up (yeah), so I have mixed feelings about whether I should rank it as my top date. :)

As for the actual experience...I'll bring pics to game night tonight. ;)

3/09/2006 1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Katie!

I think I haven't read your blog in a loooong time now. I'm here because I'm tired from working (still working) on a mock-grant and a proposal for my research. I'm even more happy for you for getting your manuscript out of your hands! I hope when I get to that point it'll be easier than writing the proposal - when I have no clue what my hypothesis is.... >_<

Have a great week!

3/13/2006 11:45 AM  

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