
Waiting game


Have you ever thought about all of the opportunities that you've been given in life? How about all of the people - however close or random - who have given you those opportunities?

Then do you ever consider the opportunities that you've given to others?

Sometimes I have trouble comparing those two at once, because I often find myself astonished by the generosity I've received and taken aback by the lack of generosity that I've bestowed. Well, that's not true. It's just that some opportunities appear to be bigger or more important than others. And often I just feel like I haven't given large-scale opportunities to others because...hehe...I haven't had the opportunity to do so yet. Hehe...he.

I mean, it's not like I'm the owner of a major company and can offer jobs to the homeless. It's not like I've won the lottery and can buy a mansion for each of my friends (and ahem, if I ever win the lottery, don't automatically expect a mansion from me. I'm just using it as an example here). :)

But then again, opportunity is relative. Sometimes a person really needs a listening ear -- and I should recognize that I might have the chance to help. Sometimes a person needs someone to lean on when they're in a scary and uncomfortable environment -- and I should be willing to drag myself out of my world to come to their aid, even if I'm spiraling out of control with my own issues (Anne and Yi, that last convoluted sentence was for you - I hope that you appreciate it!).

The opportunities that I've received over the past few months have ranged from small to large, and from friendly to professional. The sources behind these opportunities range from almost strangers to acquantainces to good friends and close family. I need to remind myself that I too can bring opportunites to others.

To all of you, who have ever given me any opportunity (especially the chance to know you through friendship), I say thank you. I'm just feeling so grateful for all of it this week.


Blogger Lindsey said...

Katie, I'm not expecting a mansion. Either a hockey team or a horse ranch will be fine. Thanks! ;-)

5/05/2006 12:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes Katie. I do not need a mansion either. Just a nice house somewhere and plenty of free time to raise the kids :D Oh, and it would be nice to be near my sis.
(more later, maybe)

5/05/2006 5:48 PM  

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