A wise Guy, eh?
Sometimes I am struck by the humor that occurs periodically in my life. This happened to me once again a little while ago. On that particular day, everything seemed to be aggravating me (for no real reason, really). I grew impatient, I became tense and nervous, and I felt like anything and everything was grating on my nerves.
Thankfully, I soon realized that ultimately it was not my circumstances, but rather my uncharacteristic response to them, that was bothering me. I decided that maybe I just needed some “recharging” time, and I started to look forward to parts of the day where I could just be alone with my thoughts. But that didn’t happen…at least not immediately. Every time I anticipated having no one else around, someone would show up. Or I would have to attend a meeting. Or a friend would call. Or something. By the end of the day, I was completely exhausted and more aggravated than ever at my own impatience.
I finally crawled into bed at night and sighed a very relieved sigh. The day was over! I reflected on the conversations and meetings I had that day, and realized that I should have been much more appreciative of those interactions while they were occurring. Life’s just too short to spend a lot of it holed up by myself. I reflected on my response to everything, and couldn’t quite decide if I should necessarily scold myself too hard for occasionally feeling like I just need time to myself. And then I decided to sleep, because I was absolutely exhausted.
And…I couldn’t fall asleep. I tossed and turned, I got up and got a drink of water, and I tried again. No sleep. “But,” I thought, “I’m soooo tired!!” Yet more hours passed, and I still was unable to fall asleep.
Then it hit me: I was finally getting the alone time that I so desperately desired throughout the day. Lovely.