
Nerd mania

Time for more hilarious Onion articles:

Evolution: Kansas Outlaws Practice of Evolution

Astronomy: I'm Going to be a Star

Physics: Caltech Physists Successfully Split the Bill


Picture the day...

As of yesterday, I have 30 pictures in my (ongoing) picture of the day project.

My main goal has been to take a picture that, for me, would capture an event/mood/thought that I experienced during the day. For the most part, I'm pleased with the results. There are many pics in there that I feel are perfect representations (either literal or symbolic) of their particular day, and a few others that I snapped hastily just to satisfy the pic a day requirement. But I am enjoying this project so far.

Looking back through the 30 pictures, I can vividly recall something about each of those days -- and that ability is both different and pleasant. And snapping a pic is a lot quicker than writing, though I try to keep up with that too.

If you want to see the pics so far, let me know and I'll send you the link to where they're posted. I'll be uploading new pictures about once every week or so.


More school?!?

You might think that I'd be ready to be done with school by this point in my life. I thought so too...until I read this article about offbeat schools.

It's nice to know that there are places to go if I want to learn new and fun skills. Although, sometimes it seems more necessary for me to learn old and practical skills...but that wouldn't be as amusing, I suppose.

Anyway, among the offbeat schools, I definitely have a first pick. ;)


Debatable debate: Dawkins and Collins

What happens when you cross two biologists -- one a staunch athiest and the other an evangelical Christian? You can find out by reading the cover story in this week's TIME magazine, which might more appropriately be called "Dawkins vs. Collins."

The debate is at times provoking and amusing; harsh and congenial; compelling and annoying. I have qualms about some of the article's content, but I'll save my opinions and let you form your own.

To read the entire cover story, go here. You can read the whole article without subscribing to TIME; you just need to agree to watch a brief advertisement first.